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Conference Presentations

A Preliminary Study on the Effect of Explicit Instruction and Visual Feedback on the Production of the voiceless plosive among Spanish L1 students learning German as a Foreign Language. 21st Conference of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2024. 


Directives in the Middle and Early New High German Reference Corpora. Recent trends and developments in Historical Im/Politeness Research, Online-UK, 2024. 


Emoji and Computer-Mediated Intercultural Communication: A corpus-based study on the use of Emojis in German as a Foreign Language. 10th International Conference on Intercultural Pragmatics and Communication (INPRA 10), Pisa, Italy, 2024.


Thanking in Old Saxon and Old High German. International Conference of Historical Linguistics. Heidelberg, Germany, 2023.


Nation's Four Strands for Vocabulary Instructions in Textbooks of Italian as a Foreign Language, Japanese Second Language Association Conference (J-SLA 2022), 2022. 


Cross-linguistic analysis of (im)politeness in Italian and Spanish verb selection, 2022 Hispanic Linguistic Symposium, Arizona State University, 2022.


Explicit performatives in Old Saxon and Old High German5th International Conference of the American Pragmatics Association (AMPRA), University of South Carolina, 2022.



The Hierarchical Organization of Syntax, NetSci 2022, Shanghai (online), 2022.



Expressive Speech Acts in Old Saxon and Old High German. Workshop on Linguistic and Philological Perspectives on Old Germanic. University of Gothenburg, Sweden (online), November



Politeness in Old Saxon and Old High German. Australian Linguistic Society Conference (ALS), Sydney, Australia, 2020.


Increasing Communicative Effectiveness through History: An Intercultural Competence Perspective for German as a Foreign Language. Seventh International Conference on the Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence (ICC), Tucson, Arizona, 2020.


A Qualitative Analysis of Listening Assessment Material for German as a Foreign LanguageGermanic Linguistic Annual Conference 25 (GLAC), Iowa City, Iowa, 2019.


“These girls are Italian! And not only because they won!!”. Exploring linguistic behavior and identity construction in Italian Facebook posts. IMean 6, Wellighton, New Zealand, 2019.


A diachronic study on Epistemicity in Old High German and Old Saxon. Modern Language Association Annual Meeting (MLA), Chicago, 2019.


The Sardinia literary Sardinian Spring and intergenerational transmission. Fourth International Symposium on the Intergenerational Transmission of Minority Languages: Language and Identity (ITML4), Uppsala, Sweden, 2018.


Epistemicity and the Interaction of Pragmatics and Metric: Evidence from Old High German. 4th International Conference of the American Pragmatics Association (AMPRA), Albany, New York, 2018.


Sardinia breaks its chains: Language Ideology in the Sardinian Literary Spring. Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL), Boise, Idaho, 2017.


Temporal Deixis in Old Saxon and Old High German: The Adverb nu in the Hêliand and Evangelienbuch. Germanic Linguistic Annual Conference 23 (GLAC), Austin, Texas, 2017.


Implications of Grammaticalization for Language Change: The emergence of the German present perfect and the rise of new periphrastic constructions. Australian Linguistic Society Conference (ALS), Melbourne, Australia, 2016.


Listening Skill Assessment for German as a Foreign Language. 48 Annual Conference of the Indiana Foreign Language Teachers Association (IFLTA), Indianapolis, Indiana, 2016.


Turn Construction Units and Overlaps among Speakers of Different L1s. 3rd Linguistic Conference at the University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 2016.


Frequency Effects on Morphological Inflection: The case of the German Dative “–e” (with Vanessa Felten). Berkeley Germanic Linguistics Roundtable, Berkeley, California, 2016.


The speaking birds: A cognitive Approach to the Symbolic Representation of Animals in Literature. 1st Purdue Languages and Cultures Conference (PLCC), West Lafayette, Indiana, 2016


The Grammaticalization of the German Present Perfect and the Emergence of the Double Perfect Constructions. 1st Conference of Cognitive Linguistics in Wroclaw – E-Conference, Wroclaw, Poland, 201


Emergent Grammar: The case of the Double Present Perfect. Germanic Linguistic Annual Conference 21 (GLAC), Provo, Utah, 2015.


The Rich-Get-Richer Phenomenon and Language Evolution: The case of the German Present Perfect. North West Linguistics Conference, Victoria, Canada, 2015.


The German Perfect as an Emergent Structure. Modern Language Association Annual Meeting (MLA), Vancouver, Canada, 2015.


Toward the German Present Perfect as an Emergent Structure. Berkeley Germanic Linguistics Roundtable, Berkeley, California, 2014.

Poster Presentations

The interaction between phonological neighborhood density, lexical status, and lexical competitors on production of Italian stops. 6th NINJAL International Conference on Phonetics and Phonology with Bruno Staszkiewicz, Tokyo, Japan, 2019.


The effects of lexical status and lexical competitors on production of Italian stops. 16th Conference of the Association for Laboratory Phonology (LabPhon16) with Olga Dmitrieva, Chiara Celata, Chiara Meluzzi, Lisbon, Portugal, 2018.


Temporal Deixis in the Oral Germanic Tradition: Evidence from Old Saxon and Old High German. Australian Linguistic Society Conference (ALS), Sydney, Australia, 2017.


The Pragmatic Use of the German Tenses Perfect and Preterite. 3rd International Conference of the American Pragmatics Association (AMPRA), Bloomington, Indiana, 2016.


Weinrich’s Tense Categories of Narration and Comment in the Frankfurt Auschwitz Trials. Germanic Linguistic Annual Conference 22 (GLAC), Reykjavik, Iceland, 2016.


Dynamics of Grammatical Morpheme Acquisition: Natural or Sensitive to Initial Conditions? Second Language Acquisition & Teaching Roundtable, Tucson, Arizona, 2016.

Valentina Concu, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Linguistics

Department of Foreign Languages

Universidad del Norte

Barranquilla, Colombia

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